Presenting Workplay: Beyond the Game, a three part vodcast series hosted by AFLW’s Bonnie Toogood (Essendon co-captain) and Lily Mithen (Melbourne premiership player).
Workplay seeks to empower AFLW athletes to thrive on and off the field by connecting them with flexible employment opportunities. Powered by John Holland, Workplay has formed a community where our athletes feel supported to pursue their sporting aspirations whilst developing successful off-field careers.
Each episode of Workplay: Beyond the Game Vodcast will bring Workplay’s mission to life as Bonnie and Lily connect with industry leaders to unpack what it takes to develop successful careers beyond the game.
In our first episode, Bonnie and Lily chat with John Holland’s Strategic Talent Programs Manager, Bronte Enright, and tackle career launching fundamentals such as tips for your resume, preparing for interviews, approaching flexible work conversations and, identifying the myriad of transferrable skills that athletes possess.
Watch Workplay: Beyond the Game episode 1 here or listen wherever you get your podcasting fix!